Monday, 28 October 2013

Week 4: The Proposal Report Part I

Objective: To discuss on how to proceed with the proposal report.


Today, I visited my supervisor, Sir Ismail, seeking about the proposal report. He explained briefly about the report and what should be in it. Below are the list needed in the proposal report that is essential; 
  1. Title Page 
  2. Abstract 
  3. Table of Contents 
  4. Introduction 
  5. Problem Statement 
  6. Literature Review 
  7. Methodology 
  8. Objectives 
  9. Benefits/ Contributions 
  10. Work Plan 
  11. Budget 
  12. Conclusion 
  13. References 
Then, I explained what I have been research about my project. He also suggested that I needed to save up a sum of money to buy components needed for my project. He also suggested to list up the components needed.

The meeting went briefly.


Further research is needed and I have to list certain components for my project.